The 1762-RTC is manufactured by Allen Bradley. It is a Real Time Clock (RTC) only module that belongs to the Micrologix 1200 programmable controllers series. As a real-time clock, the 1762-RTC has the ability to provide valid information on time and date during operations; it is connected to the MicroLogix 1200 controllers and can be inserted or removed anytime without damaging either the module or controller. Once the Real Time Clock is connected to the controller, the controller would first determine it is present at start-up. The controller has an RTC Function file which collects information from the 1762-RTC upon startup. If the 1762-RTC is absent, then the controller would read zeros at the RTC Function File. The accuracy of the 1762-RTC is determined by the temperature at which it is operated.
At 0 degrees Celsius, the 1762-RTC has an accuracy from 34 to -70 seconds per month. For temperatures of 25 degrees Celsius, the 1762-RTC has an accuracy of 36 to -68 seconds per month. At 40 degrees Celsius, the 1762-RTC has accuracy range values of 25 to 79 seconds per month. And at 55 degrees Celsius, it has range values of -133 to -237 seconds per month. The controller or a programming device can be used to send valid time data to the 1762-RTC. Note that the 1762-RTC is programmed to reject any invalid time or date data. The 1762-RTC also comes with an internal irreplaceable battery. If it would not be installed immediately, make sure the 1762-RTC is disabled before storage so that the drain on the battery is reduced.